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Building bridges, not walls

Ban Ki-Moon (c) Jana Madzigon

A review of the 4th Growth in Transition conference which linked sustainability discourses at the global, European and national level

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Action rather than words, and dissidence where necessary

4 hands connected in a circle

Special Session: Where People Matter - Two speakers from different backgrounds, Michaela Moser (University of Applied Sciences St. Pölten) and Willibald Cernko (ERSTE Group Bank AG) covered a broad spectrum in this special session moderated by Fred Luks.

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Get the Conference Newspaper!

Conference newspaper

In addition to this blog, the editorial staff led by Manfred Ronzheimer with Evelyne Huber, Hans Jachs, Christina Treiber, Franz Skala as well as Fritz und Christian Hinterberger have compiled reports from the first day of the conference into a printed Conference Newspaper. It was distributed earlier this morning...

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The Role of Women in Transformation – Sharing Experiences with Change Processes

Woman walking in a park

by Christina Treiber The workshop „Women in Transformation“, organised by the Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and the Austrian Society for Environment and Technology, presented five women and their success stories. Small groups discussed the approaches, challenges, conflicts and enabling factors the so-called „changemakers“ went through in their individual...

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Sustainability in Research Policy

Political Panel FH

Concerns over society “breaking apart” by Manfred Ronzheimer Science and research must constantly keep an eye on the grand challenges that are crucial for the future of the planet and develop solutions. That was the message from Wolfgang Burtscher, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and...

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A Science Willing and Able to Change?


by Fritz Hinterberger & Christina Treiber ”Science in Transition“ – this was the title of a conference held one day before the ”Growth in Transition“ congress at the Austria Center Vienna within the framework of the Council Presidency, organised by the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria in cooperation...

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Economy & Environment – Challenges for a Socio-Ecological Transformation

Alpine landscape

by Ilse Kleinschuster The session, organised by the Vienna University of Economics and Business, Competence Center for Sustainability, presented and discussed the results of a study presenting the main challenges and opportunities at the intersection of “Economy and Environment”. The panel – with Martina Schuster (Federal Ministry for Sustainability...

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National Visions & Global Leadership

Ban Ki Moon, Köstinger

The Austrian Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism (BMNT) and the Ban Ki-moon Centre for Global Citizens hosted an opening discussion at the Growth In Transition Conference on Wednesday, 14 November 2018.

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